Yamaha Motor India has unveiled the 2020 MT-15 BS6 compliant version. The bike was unveiled at a launch event in Chennai, which saw the launch of the Fascino 125 FI and the Ray-ZR 125 FI scooters. The 2020 Yamaha MT-15 BS6 will go on sale by February next year and will get an updated powertrain that meets the new emission norms, along with a new colour scheme and a new list of value-added features. The Yamaha MT-15 is also expected to get a price hike of Rs. 3000-4000 over the current asking price of Rs. 1.36 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi).
Also Read: Yamaha Ray-ZR 125 FI Unveiled In India
Upgrades on the 2020 Yamaha MT-15 BS6 include the new Ice Fluo Vermillion colour scheme that brings a white base shade with a host of graphics and orange painted alloy wheels. The colour will be available in addition to the dark matte blue and black colour options already available on the motorcycle. In addition, the street-fighter will also come with a side-stand engine cut off switch, a radial tyre and a revised LED taillight. The bike will continue to get a single-channel ABS set-up. Yamaha has not revealed the performance specifications on the BS6 MT-15, but the bike will continue to draw power from the 155 cc single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine.
Also Read: Yamaha Fascino 125 FI Launched In India
The 2020 Yamaha MT-15 comes powered by a BS6-compliant version of the 155cc, single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine that also does duty on the new R15 V3.0. Much like the BS6 compliant R15, expect the engine on the MT-15 to also churn out 18.3 bhp and 14.1 Nm of peak torque, down from 19 bhp and 14.7 Nm of peak torque. The 6-speed gearbox will be retained. Other mechanical bits will remain the same as well including telescopic forks up front and a monoshock at the rear, while a dual disc set-up takes care of braking duties. The Yamaha MT-15 faces competition from the KTM 125 Duke that gets similar pricing.
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