Jaguar Land Rover India will be launching the 2020 Range Rover Evoque on January 30, 2020. First unveiled in November 2018, the second-generation Range Rover Evoque comes with new design and styling, taking inspiration from the Range Rover Velar. Furthermore, thanks to Land Rover's new mixed-metal Premium Transverse Architecture, the Evoque is now more spacious from the inside, while maintaining its compact proportion. In fact, even the cargo space has gone up by 6 per cent and there's 610 litres of space available and it goes up further to 1430 litres with the rear seats folded.
Also Read: Second Generation Range Rover Evoque First Drive
The 2020 Range Rover Evoque is likely to get the same BS6 compliant 2.0-litre Ingenium petrol and diesel engines that power the Jaguar XE that was launched in December 2019. In the XE, the 2.0-litre Ingenium petrol engine which punches out 247 bhp at 5,500 rpm and has a peak torque output of 365 Nm at 1500 - 4,000 rpm. On the other hand, the diesel unit is powered by a 2.0-litre oil burner, also from the Ingenium family, which makes 178 bhp at 4,000 rpm and peak torque is rated at 430 Nm at 1,750 - 2,500 rpm. Both the engines are paired with 8-speed automatic transmission.
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