Bajaj Auto is all set to revive the iconic Chetak name, with the launch of the company's first electric two-wheeler, the all-new Bajaj Chetak on January 14, 2020. In fact, the Chetak will be the first electric two-wheeler to be introduced by a mainstream two-wheeler manufacturer in India, and will be the first product to be introduced under Bajaj Auto's new electric vehicle (EV) vertical, to be called Urbanite. Bajaj already unveiled the Chetak electric scooter late last year, and now will be announcing the price, deliveries and availability. Here's what we can expect from the all-new Bajaj Chetak electric scooter.
Also Read: Bajaj Chetak Electric Scooter Launch Details Revealed
Design & Features
The Bajaj Chetak will come with an all-metal body, which has a neo retro design, with a distinctive silhouette which seems inspired by Vespa. A LED headlight, a strip of LED daytime running lights, a round, retro-styled, and a full-digital instrument panel give neat touches to the robust and tall-looking electric scooter which stands tall on 12-inch cast alloy wheels at both ends. With the metal body, the Chetak electric scooter is not expected to be lightweight, but is expected to be sprightly, and with solid build quality. The Chetak also features keyless ignition, as well as information showing battery level and remaining range.
Performance & Range
The Bajaj Chetak will use a 4kW electric motor, powered by a lithium-ion battery which is claimed to offer close to 100 km of range on a single charge in Eco mode, and 85 km in Sport mode. The IP67-rated high-tech lithium-ion battery is not swappable, but can be charged using a standard household 15 A power socket. An on-board Intelligent Battery Management System controls charge and discharge, and there's also regenerative braking.
Pricing & Availability
The Bajaj Chetak is expected to be priced at around Rs. 1.2 lakh, and will be retailed through Bajaj Auto's Pro-Biking dealerships. The Chetak will be first launched in Pune, followed by Bengaluru and slowly to other cities. Bookings began in December 2019, and deliveries are expected to commence soon, after the price announcement.
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