Royal Enfield has launched the BS6 Himalayan in India at a starting price of Rs. 186,811 (ex-showroom, India). Along with a BS6 compliant engine, the 2020 Royal Enfield Himalayan gets a bunch of updates as well. The foremost among those is a switchable ABS! The anti-lock braking system can be disconnected from the rear wheel, making it easier to slide the motorcycle on dirt, if need be. The other big update is that the motorcycle will be available in two new colours, which are Lake Blue and Rock Red in addition to the existing colours which are Gravel Grey, Sleet Grey, Granite Black and Snow White. The Granite Black and Snow White are priced at Rs. 186,811 while the Sleet Grey and Gravel Grey are priced at Rs. 189,565. The Rock Red and Lake Blue colours are priced at Rs. 191,401. All prices are ex-showroom, Delhi.
Also Read: BS6 Royal Enfield Classic 350 Launched In India
Vinod Dasari, CEO, Royal Enfield India, said "The Himalayan is a distinctive adventure tourer which has performed admirably well, both in India and international markets. Since 2016, the Himalayan has served as a versatile, accessible and un-intimidating ally to many adventures across the world. The launch of the new BS6 Himalayan with its unique features and design functions gives us confidence that it will resonate with riders, setting new standards for adventure motorcycling in the country."
The company also took feedback from current owners and has improved the braking mechanism on the motorcycle, with stopping distances claimed to have lessened. The side-stand on the new 2020 Royal Enfield Himalayan will allow for a little more lean, making it easier to mount and dismount the motorcycle. Lastly, the motorcycle will also have a hazard lamp switch along with a slightly tweaked instrument panel with white backlight.
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