The Audi Q8 has been finally launched in India and every car sold in our market will have certain amount of exclusivity making its unique in its own. Speaking with carandbike, Balbir Singh Dhillon, Audi India Head said, "The Q8 is our flagshipp SUV and will be positioned above the Q7. It is a very special car and every Q8 will be different with a host of personalization options." Audi India will be offering the Q8 with an array of customization options to go with the taste of its owner and 54 exterior colour options, 11 interior trims, and 9 wooden inlays are on offer among others. That is even more impressive as the Q8 will be imported to our market from Germany and will be sold as a completely built unit (CBU). This also means that all customization options customers will choose will be assembled at the plant, before the car is exported to India.
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The personalization option will also help Audi to rein in the segment where the Q8 has been positioned, rivalling the likes of some of the premium models like the Porsche Cayenne, Maserati Lavante and the BMW X6. Then, the Q8 is also loaded to the gills with creature comforts and the cabin looks futuristic with all the gizmos that are on offer. It is equipped with massage function and ventilation, four-zone climate control and the air quality package with fragrance and ionizer. There are two large displays which grace the dashboard. The one on top is a 10.1-inch unit to control navigation and the infotainment system. The one at the bottom is the 8.6-inch unit with displays for heating and air-con. Of course, there's also Audi's virtual cockpit which is a 12.3-inch hi-res display which can be switched between two views via the multi-function steering wheel. It also gets Audi's 'natural language voice control' which helps drivers word their commands freely. Audi is also providing the 'myAudi' connect services in the Q8 to provide online connectivity for consumers.
Also Read: Audi Q8 Launched In India
The Q8 has been launched in India only with a BS6 petrol engine which is a 3.0-litre six-cylinder TFSI motor that puts out 340 horsepower 500 Nm of peak torque. It takes 5.9 seconds to clock triple digit speeds and the top speed is rated at 250 kmph. The Q8 also gets a 48-volt main electrical system and incorporates a lithium-ion battery and a belt alternator starter. During braking it can recover up to 12kW of power and feed it back to the battery.
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