MG Motor India has bagged 2,100 pre-orders for its upcoming electric SUV, the ZS EV in less than a month. The company, which opened the pre-bookings for the MG ZS EV on December 22 and closed it on January 17. In fact, MG says that the ZS EV's booking numbers have surpassed the cumulative electric vehicle sales of Mahindra, Tata Motors, and Hyundai for the April to December 2019 period, which stood at 1,554 units. Encouraged by the strong response for the electric SUV, the company has decided to prepone the launch of the SUV from January 27 to January 23, 2020. The electric SUV is expected to be priced close to Rs. 20 lakh.
Also Read: MG Motor To Showcases 14 Vehicles At The 2020 Auto Expo
The MG ZS EV will initially go on sales in five cities- Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru and Hyderabad and will make its way to other cities subsequently, as the charging infrastructure develops. The MG ZS EV will be sold in India as a completely knocked down (CKD) product and will be assembled at company's Halol plant in Gujarat, alongside the Hector SUV. The company has also installed DC fast chargers at 10 of its dealerships across India, located in Gurgaon, West Delhi, Lajpat Nagar (South Delhi), Noida, Mumbai West, Thane, Bengaluru ORR, Bengaluru Electronic City, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad.
Also Read: MG ZS Electric SUV Review
The ZS EV is equipped with a 44.5 kWh IP6 certified battery pack that powers a synchronous motor that puts out 141 bhp and 353 Nm of peak torque. The battery can offer a maximum range of about 340 km on a single charge, and thanks to power electronic (PE) solutions from UAES, it can go from 0-100 kmph in just 8.5 seconds. The Lithium-Ion battery powering the MG ZS EV can be charged up to 80 per cent in 40 minutes with a 50 kW DC charger or takes up to seven hours with a standard 7.4 kW charger.
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