Nissan India has announced starting an Anywhere, Anytime test drive programme for its compact SUV Kicks. So, interested customers can now schedule a test drive of the Nissan Kicks online as per their convenient time and location, and the car will be brought to their doorstep. Currently, the company has started this initiative only for customers in Delhi-NCR and Mumbai. To schedule a test drive, all a customer needs to do is log on to Nissan India's official website and click the 'Home Test Drive' tab and enter the preferred time and venue to schedule the test drive. The test drive can be scheduled between 9 am to 7 pm, during any day of the week.
For this new 'Anywhere, Anytime Test Drive' programme, Nissan has partnered with leasing and transportation solutions firm Orix. The company will provide Nissan customers end-to-end support, from test driving a vehicle without visiting the showroom to superior sales and after-sales experience.
Commenting on the launch, Rakesh Srivastava, Managing Director, Nissan India said, "Nissan is committed to offer innovative and exceptional sales and after-sales services to its customers. This is yet another unique step from Nissan to make car buying more convenient by giving them the first experience of Nissan Kicks at their doorstep."
The Nissan Kicks comes in four variants - XE, XL, XV, and XV Premium and is offered in both petrol and diesel engine options. In addition to its bold looks, the SUV also comes with several premium and a few segment-first features. Including the 360-degree camera view, or as Nissan calls it 'Around View Monitor'. Currently, the Nissan Kicks is priced from Rs. 9.55 lakh to Rs. 13.69 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi).
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