Tata Motors has announced the commencement of bookings for its Harrier BS6 range. The booking amount for the car is Rs. 30,000 and all dealers are currently taking bookings for it. The company has also introduced an automatic transmission on the Harrier. The all-new Harrier range will now offer more power than before. There will be 168 bhp on offer on the next generation Kryotec170 Diesel engine. Tata is also offering a panoramic Sunroof on the SUV.
In addition to this, it will further enhance the design quotient with a new dynamic Calypso Red Colour and new stylish aerodynamic outer mirrors. Continuing with Tata Motors commitment to offer the safest range of cars to the Indian customers, Harrier will now come equipped with ESP across all variants.
The Tata Harrier BS6 AT diesel gets a host of new features and will be available in 3 variants
Harrier will now also be available with a new top- of the- line XZ+/ XZA+ trim, which consists of a host of exciting features like Panoramic Sunroof, 6- way Powered Driver Seat with adjustable lumbar support, Auto Dimming Rear View Mirrors and Two-Tone Diamond-Cut R17 alloys making it an irresistible package for the Harrier customers.
The Automatic range comes equipped with a 6 Speed Automatic Transmission and will be available in three variants - XMA, XZA & XZA+.
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