Hero MotoCorp, the country's leading two-wheeler manufacturer has announced a 14 per cent decline in sales, for the month of January 2020. The two-wheeler maker's total sales stood at 501622 units in January 2020, as against 582,660 two-wheelers sold during the same month in 2019. However, the company says that despite the drop in volumes, it's well on track to complete the migration to BS6 emission norms. Last month, the company launched the BS6 compliant HF-Deluxe and its first BS6 scooter, the Hero Pleasure+ 110 in India.
The company's domestic sales for January 2020 stood at 488,069 units, a de-growth of almost 14.35 per cent as compared to 569,866 two-wheelers sold in India, in January 2019. On the other hand, Hero MotoCorp's exports saw a decent 5.6 per cent growth at 13,553 units, as against the 12,794 two-wheelers exported by the company during the same month last year.
Also, last month the company sold a total of 528,489 motorcycles in India, as compared to 494,390 vehicles sold during the same month in January 2019, registering a 6.4 per cent de-growth. However, scooter dispatches took the biggest hit, with the two-wheeler maker selling 7,232 units compared to the 54,171 scooters sold during the same month in 2019, registering a massive decline of 86 per cent. This is certainly an outcome of the company's transition to BS6 emission norms.
As for Hero's year to date (YTD) sales, between April 2019 and January 2020, the company total sales stood at 5,576,830 two-wheelers as against 6,622,245 units sold between the same period in the financial year 2019.
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