Ford India has joined the growing list of automakers in India, who have announced suspending vehicle production due to the coronavirus outbreak. The company has announced that it will temporarily suspend vehicle and engine production at its manufacturing facilities located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu and Sanand, Gujarat. Ford India has confirmed that the plants will remain shut from March 23, 2020 until further notice. The company added that the decision on the end date will be taken in accordance with several factors that are yet to be decided, which will happen again, by end of this week.
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Replying to our email, the Ford India spokesperson said, "The health and safety of the workforce, dealers, customers, supplier partners and communities is our highest priority. We are continuing to act in real-time to help limit the spread of the coronavirus in communities where we live and work. After advising our employees across offices - except business-critical roles - to work remotely or from home, Ford India has decided to temporarily suspend vehicle and engine production at its manufacturing sites in Chennai and Sanand starting March 23, 2020. This is a proactive and precautionary measure undertaken in the best interest of our workforce."
Also Read: Kia Motors India Temporarily Suspends Operations At Its Anantpur Plant.
In addition to India, the American carmaker has also decided to temporarily halt vehicle and engine production at its factories in South Africa, Thailand, and Vietnam in response to the growing impact of the coronavirus. Following India, Ford will halt production other aforementioned markets, and it could continue for several weeks.
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Earlier today, the Society of Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) issued a statement requesting all auto and component manufacturers in India to consider temporarily halting production, given the severity of the Coronavirus. Several mass-market automakers, including Maruti Suzuki India, Hyundai India, Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, Honda Cars India, and FCA India, have already announced suspending production at their respective plants to control the spread of Coronavirus. Among two-wheeler manufacturers, Hero Motocorp, Honda 2Wheelers, TVS Motor Company, and Yamaha India have announced suspending production.
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