India's largest exporter of motorcycles, Bajaj Auto Limited is still reeling under pressure in the domestic market, with domestic sales of motorcycles falling by 21 per cent in February 2020. The slowdown in the domestic auto industry, along with a transition to meet Bharat Stage VI (BS6) emission regulations has led to slow sales across manufacturers. In all, Bajaj Auto despatched 1,46,876 two-wheelers in the domestic market, a decline of 21 per cent over 1,86,523 units despatched in the same month a year ago.
Bajaj Auto's exports, however, continue to remain promising. In fact, in February 2020, Bajaj Auto exported more motorcycles than those sold in the domestic market. Bajaj exported 1,63,346 two-wheelers in February 2020, a growth of 15 per cent from 1,41,462 units which were exported in the same month a year ago. Overall sales, including both domestic and export markets, fell by 5 per cent in February, 2020. In all, Bajaj Auto despatched 3,10,222 units in February 2020, compared to 3,27,985 units in the same month in 2019.
Bajaj Auto's commercial vehicle sales are also under pressure, with domestic sales skidding 38 per cent in February 2020. In the domestic market Bajaj despatched 21,871 units of commercial vehicles, compared to 35,183 units of commercial vehicles in the same month in 2019. Bajaj Auto's commercial vehicle exports also are under pressure, falling 24 per cent in February 2020, from 29,921 units in February 2019 to 22,820 units in the same month this year. Overall sales of Bajaj Auto, including both motorcycles and commercial vehicles, as well as domestic and export markets, fell by 10 per cent, from 3,93,089 units in February 2019 to 3,54,913 units in February 2020.
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