The 2020 BS6 Bajaj Pulsar NS160 has been launched in India. There is just one BS6 variant on offer, which is the twin disc model (getting a disc brake up front and at the rear). The BS6 Pulsar NS160 is priced at Rs. 1.03 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi) which is about Rs. 9,000 more expensive than the BS4 twin disc variant. Usually, we have seen that the converting an existing two-wheeler from BS4 to BS6 results in a marginal drop in the power output but the Bajaj Pulsar NS160 is bucking this trend by making more power than the outgoing model.
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The 2020 BS6 Bajaj Pulsar NS160 makes 17 bhp at 9,000 rpm instead of the 15.2 bhp at 8,500 rpm on the BS4 model. The Pulsar NS160 continues to get a 160.3 cc single-cylinder engine which is liquid-cooled and the motor switches switch from a carburettor to a fuel-injected system. The BS6 model makes 14.6 Nm at 7,250 rpm, which is the same as the BS4 model but comes in a little higher in the rev range. This increase of 1.5 bhp makes the Pulsar NS160 the most powerful motorcycle in its segment which also includes the Suzuki Gixxer 155, TVS Apache RTR 160 4V and the Yamaha FZ-S along with the Honda CB Hornet 160R.
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As far as styling and features are concerned, the Bajaj Pulsar NS160 doesn't get any changes post BS6 transition. The motorcycle continues to get its NS200 inspired design with streetfighter cues, sharp lines and an aggressive stance. The motorcycle gets a 300 mm petal disc up front and a 230 mm disc at the rear. It also gets single-channel ABS as standard, which works only on the front wheel.
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