TVS Motor Company has announced the prices of the BS6 TVS Scooty Pep Plus in India. The standard variant is priced at Rs. 51,754 while the Babelicious and Matte Edition series are priced at Rs. 52,954. The prices of the scooter see an increase of about Rs. 6,700 for the standard variant over the BS4 variant. Similarly, the prices of the Babelicious and Matte edition series see an increase of Rs. 6,400 over the corresponding BS4 variants. There isn't much that changes in the scooter in its transition from BS4 to BS6. In fact, only the paint scheme changes. The scooter can now be bought in two new colours of Coral Matte and Aqua Matte.
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The BS6 TVS Scooty Pep Plus gets a 87.8 cc single-cylinder motor, which is air-cooled. It makes a total of 5 bhp at 6,500 rpm while the peak torque output is 5.8 Nm which comes in fully at 4,000 rpm. The scooter continues to get a CVT gearbox. The engine's EcoThrust technology is said to offer better pick-up and improved fuel efficiency as well. In terms of features, the scooter gets a 12V socket for charging mobile phones and a side stand alarm as well.
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In terms of dimensions, the new Scooty Pep Plus, it has a wheelbase of 1,230 mm and both drum brakes have a diameter of 110 mm. The scooter weighs just 95 kg (kerb weight) and thanks to its light weight, it has been well received by women.
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