The sixth-generation Honda Activa 6G has been launched in India with prices starting at Rs. 63,912 (ex-showroom, Delhi). The Honda Activa, first launched in 2001, enters its 20th year and is India's highest-selling scooter. The Activa 6G marks a major upgrade over the outgoing version with the popular-selling scooter now meeting the BS6 emission norms, while the styling revisions are extensive as well. The new Activa retains the same silhouette as its predecessor but promises lower emissions, improved fuel economy and a host of new features as well.
Power on the new Honda Activa 6G comes from the updated 109 cc single-cylinder engine. The big change is the addition of fuel-injection in place of a carburettor to meet the stringent emission norms and for smoother performance and high efficiency. Power though has seen a slight decrease on the updated engine, which now makes 7.68 bhp at 8,000 rpm, and 8.79 Nm of peak torque at 5,250 rpm. The new Honda Activa 6G is the latest model from the manufacturer to meet the BS6 norms after the Activa 125 and the SP 125. Bookings for the new model are open and deliveries will commence from the end of January and early February.
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