Audi India has launched its flagship crossover SUV in India - the Q8 - and it comes priced at Rs. 1.33 crore (ex-showroom India). The car will be available in just one variant in the country and will come only with the petrol option. The Q8 sits right on top of the Q7 and it is wider, shorter and lower than the Q7. The Q8 looks imposing with its singleframe octagonal design which makes it the face of the Q family. The brawny radiator grille stands upright and together with the spoiler that gas been drawn toward the front and the large, contoured air inlets, gives the Q8 a very confident and sophisticated look. The sloping roofline ends at the gently inclined D-Pillars and rests against the quattro blisters above the wheel arches.
The Audi Q8 come with a set of 20 inch alloy wheels with the option of 21-inch as well; and the ground clearance stands at 254 mm. The short overhangs and the quattro all-wheel drive, give the Q8 a distinction of doing well off-road as well and even the suspension with the damper control plays a vital role in emphasizing its off-road ability. Audi India offers the adaptive air suspension with controlled damping which either comfort or sport setup. It adjusts the ride height depending on the driving situation by as much as 90 mm.
Also Read: Performance-Spec Audi SQ8 Revealed
The Q8 gets HD matrix LED technology headlamp technology and there are the three-dimensional signature LED DRLs which look good too. A light strip connects the tail lamps giving it a nearly Porsche-Cayenne kind-of look. Furthermore, with Audi's customisation option, the Q8 owners can get the Q8 in 54 exterior colour options, 11 interior trims, and 9 wooden inlays.
The Q8 will be available only with the petrol engine and it will come with a 3-litre TFSI engine which produces 340 horsepower and yes, it is BS6 compliant. The car will develop 500 Nm of torque and accelerates from 0-100 kmph in jus 5.9 seconds. Top speed is rated at 250 kmph. The Q8 also gets a 48-volt main electrical system and incorporates a lithium-ion battery and a belt alternator starter. During braking it can recover up to 12kW of power and feed it back to the battery.
Also Read: Audi Q8 Plug-In Hybrid Spotted Testing
The cabin is futuristic with all the gizmos that the car has to offer. Audi offers plenty of options on the car including customized contour seats with massage function and ventilation, four-zone climate control and the air quality package with fragrance and ionizer. There are two large displays which grace the dashboard. The one on top is a 10.1-inch unit to control navigation and the infotainment system. The one at the bottom is the 8.6-inch unit with displays for heating and air-con. Of course, there's also Audi's virtual cockpit which is a 12.3-inch hi-res display which can be switched between two views via the multi-function steering wheel.
The Q8 also comes with what Audi calls 'natural language voice control' which helps drivers word their commands freely. Audi is also providing the 'myAudi' connect services in the Q8 to provide online connectivity for consumers.
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